- Miners Day
When: Saturday, September 21, 2013
Time: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Where: Crist Park
105 5th St.
Frederick, CO 80530
Event Details
The 11th Annual Miners Day will take place on September 21, and will continue to offer a full day of fun!
10:00 am: Parade along 5th and 8th Streets in Downtown Frederick (Click here to see the parade route)
10 am-9 pm: Entertainment, Food and Fun in Crist Park
10 am-2 pm: Bike and Car Show by Rebel Rodders of Colorado (for more information, contact Lonnie Garza at 303.726.0963)
9:45 pm: Fireworks sponsored by Stevinson Lexus (please note the location of the fireworks has changed to Centennial Park)
Miners Day is one of Frederick’s premier annual community events drawing thousands of people to Downtown Frederick for family-oriented fun and entertainment throughout the day. While the event has grown in increasing popularity since its inception in 2003, it continues to offer a small-town feel in celebration of our community’s mining heritage and provides a rich and lively environment for residents, businesses, schools, and community groups from throughout the region to come together for a day of fun. The event includes a dynamic parade, exhibitor booths, food / refreshment vendors, activities, contests, and live entertainment throughout the day. Per tradition, Miners Day concludes with a spectacular evening concert and fireworks display!
Please note, some changes have been made due to the recent flooding in the area:
- The parade route has changed to be in Downtown Frederick, starting at 5th St. and Maple St. the parade will head west on 5th St., south on Main St., and then east on 8th. St. To view a map of the new route, click here.
- The Fireworks location has been changed to be at Centennial Park at 9:45pm. There will be time after the last concert to walk over to Centennial Park to view the fireworks
- There will be no parking along Colorado Boulevard and visitors are encouraged to pay added attention to no parking signs that have been added due to unsafe areas.
- The Red Cross will be on hand accepting monetary donations and the Rebel Rodders of Colorado will be collecting canned good donations for the Weld County Food Bank during the Bike and Car Show from 10am-2pm.
If you need assistance or have a question at Miners Day, please visit the Town table in the Crist Park gazebo or see a Miners Day Commission member in the bright yellow tshirts.
Music Schedule
3:00 pm: Tuxedo Junction (Big Band Era)
4:45 pm: The Long Run (Eagles Tribute Band)
6:15 pm: That Eighties Band (80's Cover Band)
8:15 pm: Hazel Miller Band
For a full schedule, click here!